Paradise Online
Parsha Web Pages with links to PDFs of Paradise and Oneg
- Paradise: Emor – Sukkahs – Booths for War“For seven days you shall dwell in sukkahs, every citizen among Israel should live in sukkahs. This is so that future generations will know that I had the Jewish people live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt, I am Hashem your God.” – Vayikra 23:42–43.
- Paradise: Behar — Giving Things Up“You shall perform my decrees and observe my ordinances and perform them; then you shall dwell securely on the land.” – Vaykira 25:18
- Paradise: Bechukosai – Deception and Idols“…a man who will speak and give his word, promising the value of a person to Hashem…” – Vaykira 27:2
- Paradise: Bamidbar – Overpopulation“Take a census of the entire assembly of the Children of Israel.” – Bamidbar 1:2
- Paradise: Naso – Seeing the Saddled Elephant“When a man or woman will express a nazir vow to Hashem…” – Bamidbar 6:2
- Paradise: Behaaloscha – Breastfeeding“We remember the fish that we could eat in Egypt at no cost, along with the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. Now our spirits are dried up, with nothing but the man before our eyes.” – Bamidbar 11:5–6
- Paradise: Shlach – Look At Me, I’m Humble!“And Moshe called Hoshea Bin Nun Yehoshua.” – Bamidbar 13:16
- Paradise: Korach — The Sound of FaithThey gathered against Moshe and against Aaron…Moshe heard and fell on his face. — Bamidbar 16:3–4
- Paradise: Chukas – Know-it-Alls, and Filthy, Filthy SnakesThis is the mystery of the Torah that Hashem commanded, saying, “Tell the people of Israel to take a red cow, a perfect one, that has no flaw, and never had a yoke on it.” — Bamidbar 19:2
- Paradise: Balak – This Opposite ThatAnd Hashem came to Bilaam… Bamidbar 22:9