These are the words that Moshe spoke to all of Israel. — Dvarim 1:1
Paradise: Maasei – Hearing voices and hitting home runs
“These are the travels of the Jewish people.” – Bamidbar 33:1
Paradise: Matos – Another Woman
“And the Children of Gad and Reuven came and said to Moshe and Elazar the Kohen and the leaders of the congregation…‘Give us that land, force us not to cross the Jordan.’” — Bamidbar 32:2, 5
Paradise: Pinchas – Peace and Priests
“Pinchas the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the Kohen, withdrew My anger from upon the children of Israel when he acted zealously for Me with them, so I did not destroy the children of Israel in zealotry. Therefore, tell him that I hereby give him My covenant of peace.” — Bamidbar 25:22–12
Paradise: Balak – This Opposite That
And Hashem came to Bilaam… Bamidbar 22:9
Paradise: Chukas – Know-it-Alls, and Filthy, Filthy Snakes
This is the mystery of the Torah that Hashem commanded, saying, “Tell the people of Israel to take a red cow, a perfect one, that has no flaw, and never had a yoke on it.” — Bamidbar 19:2
Paradise: Korach — The Sound of Faith
They gathered against Moshe and against Aaron…Moshe heard and fell on his face. — Bamidbar 16:3–4
Paradise: Shlach – Look At Me, I’m Humble!
“And Moshe called Hoshea Bin Nun Yehoshua.” – Bamidbar 13:16
Paradise: Behaaloscha – Breastfeeding
“We remember the fish that we could eat in Egypt at no cost, along with the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. Now our spirits are dried up, with nothing but the man before our eyes.” – Bamidbar 11:5–6
Paradise: Naso – Seeing the Saddled Elephant
“When a man or woman will express a nazir vow to Hashem…” – Bamidbar 6:2