Deluxe Kiddish Sponsored by the Goldscheiders for Arielle’s 5th birthday and Ezra’s first Birthday!!!
Parshas Tazria- Winter Wonderland- Happy Birthday Arielle and Ezra!
Parshas Shemini- Para- Cow black and white DAIRY kiddish!
Birthday cake sponsored by Kylie for Danny Lobell’s Birthday!
Parshas Tzav- Zachor- Danielle Justin’s Birthday Kiddish- Torquoise and Lavender!
Parshas Vayikra- Purple and Silver
Scholar in Residence – Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler
Parshas Pekudei- Pink and Black
Parshas Vayekel- Red and Lavender
Parshas- Ki Tisa- Pink and Silver
Kiddish co-Sponsored by Yochanan and Chani Gorden for Ariella Gordens kiddish- Mazal Tov! Kiddish co Sponsored by Scott and Eliza Silver in honor of their family visiting!