Hashem spoke to Aaron and said: Do not drink wine or any alcohol, neither you nor your children when you enter the Tent of Meeting, neither you nor your children; this is an eternal rule – for all generations. — Vayikira 10:9
Main Content
Welcome to BKLA
BKLA’s young congregation is committed to Torah, community and opening our arms and homes to others. We provide Torah study and socially-centered opportunities, designed to facilitate meaningful friendships, enhanced relationships, and positive spiritual experiences.
Current Events

Moonlight Kumzitz and Melava Malka
Motzei Shabbos, March 26, 9:30pm at the Lee’s!
Pesach 5783 / 2023
The page also has donation buttons for the Chametz sale and for Maos Chittim.

BKLA Pesach Forms
Click the button above to go to BKLA’s Donate page where you can securely use PayPal or any credit card.
Books by Rabbi Shoff
Lord, Get Me High!
Lord, Get Me High! mines the words of King David for insight into the High Holiday season, as Rabbi Shoff takes us on an entertaining and deeply insightful journey through the meaning and themes of Psalm 27.
Paradise: Breathtaking Strolls Through the Length and Breadth of Torah
Citing an exceptionally wide range of sources, from the well known to the obscure—Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Hasidic, and mystical—this book explores the weekly Torah portion, weaving together themes and ideas into a seamless display of the wisdom and brilliance of the sages.
Nuggets of Torah on Esther and Purim!
A delightful collection of short insightful and simply fascinating ideas about purim, sure to enlighten, inspire and ignite the soul.
Friday Night Services
Mincha/Kabalas Shabbos/Maariv: Candle Lighting Time!
Shabbos Morning Services
Fascinating Torah Topics Shiur by Rabbi Shoff: 8 am
Shachris: 9 am
Shochen Ad: 9:20 am
Shabbos Afternoon Pirkei Avos for men and women: One hour before mincha, Shabbos afternoons, during daylight savings time
Rabbi Shoff’s Weekday Classes
Sunday Mornings
All 7 Daf of the Week’s Daf Yomi for men
6:00 am to 8:00 am
6000 W. Pico – MBY Main Bais Midrash
Monday Night Class
8:00 pm
Shoff home: 6116 Saturn St.
For men and women!
Thursday Night Class
9:00 pm
Rosen Home: 1043 Point View St.
For men.
Delicious refreshments, deep inspiration.
Latest 3 Shiurim

Facebook: May 21, 2020 : Yom Yerushalayim (Video)
On Thursday, May 21, 2020, Rabbi Shoff gave an online shiur about Yom Yerushalayim. Jerusalem unifies Jews. Explaining to our children the miracle that we have access to Yerushalayim today and what a blessing it is. How to be a “person of Yerushalayim”.

Facebook: May 14, 2020 : Behar-Bechukosai (Video)
On Thursday, May 14, 2020, Rabbi Shoff gave an online shiur about Behar/Bechukosai.

Facebook: May 7, 2020 : Emor (Video & Audio)
On Thursday, May 7, 2020, Rabbi Shoff gave an online shiur about Emor. The daughter of a Kohein. Education of Children. “Wrong” desires don’t define you.
Previous & Next Parsha

Paradise: Metzora — Diseases, Pigs and Reincarnation
This is to be the rule for the metzora — Vayikra 14:2

Paradise: Tazria — Love and Children
When her purification period for a son or a daughter is complete, she shall bring to the Kohen, to the Ohel Moed entrance, a yearling sheep for a burnt offering, and a young common dove or a turtledove for a sin offering. — Vayikra 12:6

Paradise: Tzav – Burning Man
And the Kohen who will offer the burnt offering of a man… — Vayikra 7:8